Sunday 9th February 2025

islam in the holy quran




Ayatullah sayyed Ali Khamenei, the Revered Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, delivered several lectures in 1974, 1353 A.H., which were later summarized and published. The original title selected by the learned author for the book was “Tarh Kulli Andisha Islami Dar Qur’an” (The General concepts of Islam in the Qur’an). What the author intended was to introduce the principles of Islam according to the Qur’an. The author accordingly provides a general survey of Islamic concepts by supporting his beliefs with different verses of the Qur’an.
It is worth noting that this book is one among many others by Imam Khamenei and what characterizes them is that they were issued in the most critical times in the history of our Islamic nation. Moreover, they concentrated mainly on promulgating and clarifying the principles of political work and revolution. We could almost say that most of his lectures that were published in various books, and his articles that were gathered all centered on this continuous endeavor to clarify the correlation between the Islamic teachings and the big social responsibility.


مركز باء للدراسات

نسعى لتقديم الصورة الحقيقية لنمط العيش الإسلامي الراقي المفعم بالسعادة والبهجة والروحانية الأصيلة نحن مؤسسة فكرية تعليمية تهدف الى: 1. بيان المعارف الإسلامية الأصيلة 2. نشر الحقائق الدينية في كل العالم 3. التمهيد للتحول العالمي الكبير بظهور إمام الزمان (عج) 4. إحياء التراث الإسلامي وتنميته واثرائه 5. بناء ثقافة إسلامية أصيلة ومعاصرة للأحداث والشباب 6. بناء ثقافة إسلامية هادفة للأطفال


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